EMG CGS Series Colt Licensed M4 Gas Blowback Airsoft Rifle by CYMA (Model: RECCE 16")


  • High quality aluminum alloy external construction
  • Licensed Colt M4 replica with deep engraved trademarks
  • Brand new CGS (CYMA Gas System) provides reliable performance and durability
  • Cross-compatible with most standard Tokyo Marui MWS-spec parts
  • 16" outer barrel is ideal for anything from mid to long-range engagements
  • Full metal RIS handguard and LE Stock
  • Upper receiver with 20mm RIS for mounting optics or iron sights
  • Original M16A2 slim profile grip
Patterned after the original ArmaLite AR-15, Colt rifles have been in the hands of the US Military as well as many civilian enthusiasts since the adoption of the M16 combat rifle. Through years of hard use and first hand feedback to improve and evolve the weapon platform, the Colt M4 and M16 has risen to be one of the most popular and trusted combat rifles around the world.

The CGS (CYMA Gas System) Series is a brand-new design featuring all of the greatest new tech in gas blowback rifles. Fully cross-compatible with the Tokyo Marui MWS system, it provides an excellent base gun with an ever-growing variety of aftermarket upgrades and options. More reliable and more efficient than alternative systems, the CGS provides a base platform that you can pull out of the box and have ready to play that night!

Length: 875mm - 955mm (Adjustable)
Weight (w/ Magazine): 2640g
Inner Barrel: 406mm
Magazine Capacity: 30rds (Compatible w/ Other Tokyo Marui MWS Series Magazines)
Thread Direction: 14mm Negative (CCW)
Gas Type: Green Gas
Fire Modes: Semi/Full-Auto, Safety
Hopup: Yes, Adjustable
Package Includes: Gun, Magazine, Speed Loader

View CYMA Airsoft: Enduring Excellence!

FPS Range: 340-380 (with 6mm .20g BB)

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