EMG / ARES Realistic Series Slim Motor for Airsoft AEGs (Motor: Long Type / Super High Torque)
- Slim construction is designed for use specifically with EMG / ARES Realistic series of motor grips
- Low profile design reduces motor size without sacrificing reliability or performance
- Super high torque tuning
- Designed to be compatible with standard V2 gearboxes and receivers
- CNC machined motor cage
- Neodymium magnets
- Aluminum housing
One of the biggest selling points of PTW style AEGs is their slim and realistic motor grip and one of the more common complaints about regular Marui style AEGs is that the motor grips are too wide, and dont feel like the real thing. ARES has heard these concerns and through extensive research and development, has developed a new style of motor that is slimmer and more compact than the original AEG motor without sacrificing the compatibility that the original motor enjoys.
The Realistic series of motor and motor grips from ARES give the user a more realistic and all around more comfortable shooting experience. The EMG / ARES Realistic grips are compatible with most popular Tokyo Marui spec. M4 AEG receivers with little to no modification required.
Compatibility: Most popular Tokyo Marui Spec. M4/M16 series Airsoft AEGs (Some modification may be required)
TPA: 18
RPM: 22,000
Pinion Gear: D-Type
Manufacturer: EMG (OEM: ARES)